Florence County Emergency Management is here to assist our citizens in any way we can. As an active event or natural/manmade disaster happens FCEMD will post the most recent information available to this site. In addition, we would like to give access to documents and other websites that can help to prepare you for incidents.

We can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!




Attention all Florence County residents, the Pee Dee Board of Realtors will be accepting applications for disaster relief assistance from the Realtors Relief Foundation to qualified applicants to go towards one of the following options: 1) Monthly mortgage expense for the primary residence that was damaged by Hurricane Florence or 2) Rental cost due to displacement from the primary residence resulting from Hurricane Florence. Note: no other expense is eligible. Relief is limited to a maximum of $1,000 per applicant/per household. The deadline for applications is November 30, 2018. An easy to use application is attached. For more information/assistance with applying, please contact Jennifer King/Pee Dee Board of Realtors/843-665-2242.

Please find the application here.